felix Felix Freitag

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Architecture
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

References: Distributed Systems Group, UPC, DBLP, Google Scholar, ORCID

[ Bio | Research | Teaching | Publications | Contact ]



Generally, I am interested in networked distributed and decentralized systems in the IoT, edge and P2P computing, LoRa mesh networks and federated learning. I am part of the Distributed Systems Group.

I participate in a number of research and development projects including:

·         LoRaMesher: Library for deploying LoRa mesh networks on IoT nodes.

·         Federated Learning at the Tiny Edge: Developing federated machine learning for microcontroller boards.

Other projects that I've been involved with in the past include:

·         LeadingEdge – Holistic and foundational resource allocation framework for optimized and impactful edge computing services. 2020-2023.

·         DiPET - Distributed Stream Processing on Fog and Edge Systems via Transprecise Computing. 2020-2023.

·         Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing EMJD-DC (2012-2020).

·         Cloudy: Cloudy is a distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux, aimed at end users, to foster the adoption of hosting cloud-based services in community network clouds.

·         LightKone: A Horizon2020 research project on lightweight computation for networks at the edge. 2017-2019.

·         netCommons: A Horizon2020 research project in the CAPS area, which proposes a novel transdisciplinary methodology on promoting and supporting the creation of network infrastructures as commons. 2016-2018.

·         Fed4FIRE: A FP7 research project in the FIRE area, which federates the testbeds developed in individual FIRE projects. UPC has made C-Lab available to Fed4FIRE, which was developed in the CONFINE project.

·         National research project Community Networks and Clouds (TIN2013-47245-C2-1-R) (2014-2016).

·         Scientific coordination of the FP7 FIRE EU CLOMMUNITY project addressing the obstacles for communities of citizens in bootstrapping, running and expanding community-owned networks that provide community services organised as community clouds (2013-2015).

·         FP7 FIRE EU Large-scale integrating project (IP) CONFINE on "Community Networks Testbed for the Future Internet" (10/2011-9/2015).

·         National research project Delfin: Self-adapting distributed systems for the Future Internet (TIN2010-20140-C03-01).

·         FP6 Grid4All: Grid4All aims at enabling domestic users, non-profit organisations such as schools, and small enterprises, to share their resources and to access massive Grid resources when needed, envisioning a future in which access to resources is democratised, readily available, cooperative, and inexpensive (2006-2009).

·         FP6 SORMA: Development of methods and tools for an efficient market-based allocation of resources, through a self-organizing resource management system, using market-driven models supported by extensions for Grid infrastructures. IST European Project (2006-2009).

·         P2PGrid: A national integrated project on several aspects of large scale systems.

·         FP6 Catnets: Evaluation of the Catallaxy paradigm for decentralized operation of dynamic application networks. FET IST European Project (2004-2007).

·         Scientific coordination of FET FP5 Catnet: Catallactic mechanisms for the deployment of application networks on the Internet. (3/2002-3/2003)

·         CRAC: Compartición de Recursos para Aprendizaje Cooperativo (also known as GPPMCLE: Grid and Peer-to-Peer Middleware for Cooperative Learning Environments). MCYT National project (UPC, UOC, UVA) (2002-2005).

·         Cosaco: Components for Cooperative Learning. CICYT National project (UVA, UPC) (2001-2003).


Courses I am currently teaching:

·         Information Technologies Project - a Bachelor-level project-based course (Bachelor Degree in Computing Engineering) on information technologies.

·         Computer Networks - a Bachelor-level course (Bachelor Degree in Computing Engineering) on computer networks.

·         Decentralized Systems - a Master-level course (Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics) on distributed, decentralized, scalable systems.

Ph.D. Students

I work with the following graduate students: (PhD. students with accepted Thesis project)

·         Roger Pueyo, co-supervised with Roc Messeguer.

Former students (with PhD. degree):

·         Nuno Apólonia (EMJD-DC), 2018, On Service Optimization in Community Network Micro-Clouds, co-supervised with Leandro Navarro and Sarunas Girdzijauskas (KTH).

·         Mennan Selimi, (EMJD-DC), 2017, On the Service Placement in Community Network Micro-Clouds, co-supervised with Luis Veiga (IST).

·         Leila Sharifi, (EMJD-DC), 2016, Energy-aware Service Provisioning in P2P-assisted Cloud Ecosystem. Co-supervised with Luis Veiga (IST).

·         Amin M. Khan, (EMJD-DC), 2016, Managing Incentives in Community Network Clouds. Co-supervised with Luis Rodrigues (IST).

·         Davide Vega d'Orelio, 2015, Incentives for sharing heterogeneous resources in distributed systems: a participatory approach. Co-supervised with Roc Messeguer.

·         Rene Brunner, 2011, Trade-off Among Timeliness, Messages and Accuracy for Large-Scale Information Management. Co-supervised with Leandro Navarro.

·         Fernando Rodríguez Haro, 2009, Autonomous Management in VM-based Resource Providers. Co-supervised with Leandro Navarro.


Felix Freitag is an associate Professor at the Computer Architecture Department (Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors) at the Technical University of Catalunya (UPC), which he joined in 1999. He obtained a PhD in Telecommunication Engineering from the UPC in 1998. His research interests include the design of scalable decentralized systems. In the recent years his research focused on community clouds. He is member of the IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers).


The full list of my publications is available here.

Contact Information


General :

Felix Freitag
Office: C6-E206
Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
felix @ ac upc edu


Tel  +34 934016882 (Use preferably email to contact)

Mail/Courier :

Felix Freitag
UPC, Dep. AC
Jordi Girona, 1-3, C6-E206
Barcelona, Spain



